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- Create Date February 3, 2023
- Last Updated February 3, 2023
AIDA calls the International Community to Immediately Take Action to Stop the Escalation of Violence in the oPt and Israel
The Association of International Development Agencies (AIDA) is deeply concerned over the escalation of violence that has erupted in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) and Israel at the outset of 2023. The first 30 days of 2023 have witnessed numerous violations of International Law throughout the oPt. In only the first month of the year,35 Palestinians have been killed, hundreds injured, and more than 100 structures demolished. 2023 has likewise seen attacks on Israeli citizens, culminating in the killing of seven people in East Jerusalem this past weekend.
This escalation in violence comes at the onset of the new right-wing Israeli Government. With the Government’s clear intention to weaken judicial independence and oversight, further entrench the fragmentation and isolation of Palestinian communities, enact policies that accelerate the annexation of the West Bank, threaten the ability of civil society to operate, and the lack of effective governance in the oPt, the risk of continuing patterns of violence escalations are high, if not certain.
AIDA stresses that violence cannot be resolved without acknowledging and addressing the root causes of the conflict. Over the decades, temporary solutions and half measures have only led to short-lived periods of “calm”. AIDA calls on the international community to take the urgent actions necessary to pressure a halt in the violence, hold all parties accountable to the measures of international humanitarian law, and continue to call for an end to decades of occupation and injustice in the oPt in order to bring lasting peace equality, and justice for all.